Which Are the Best Gluten-Free Snack Alternatives?

Whether it’s because you have an intolerance to gluten, celiac disease, or you simply prefer to avoid this compound, finding the best gluten-free alternatives isn’t always easy. While it may not be obvious, a huge percentage of snacks and foods contain gluten, so people that avoid this protein need to learn about all the different options they have available.

At Cupio, we focus on creating delicious plant-based snacks that don’t contain gluten or animal products, so we know how difficult it can be to find a good alternative. In this article, we will go over the best gluten-free snack alternatives and explain how you can get each one. 

The Best Alternatives to Gluten Snacks

Gluten is found in rye, wheat, barley, and a few other grains, but it’s actually used as an additive in a wide range of products. So, you should carefully read the label of all the products you buy to ensure that they don’t contain gluten.

With the above in mind, here are 7 great gluten-free snack alternatives. 

1. Nuts

Nuts are a great source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, which makes them a great replacement for snacks that contain gluten. The best part is that you don’t have to sacrifice quality and there are many delicious sweet nut flavors you can choose from.

2. Popcorn

Popcorn is a traditional movie theater snack, but it’s also a great alternative to have at home or while on the go. Plus, you can choose to go the classic route or try a new flavor, like popcorn with sweet syrup on top.

3. Vegetable Chips

Potato and corn chips are the most common options found in the supermarket, but many brands have started to make an even more natural alternative by using other vegetables. This includes beetroot, carrot, parsnips, or a mix of all of these.

4. Cheese and Cold Cuts

Cheese and cold meat cuts can provide a long-lasting boost of energy. That said, this type of snack is not as versatile as others on this list, so it’s best to enjoy it in the comfort of your home. 

5. Sweet Oatmeal

Sweet oatmeal can contain raisins, berries, jam, seeds, and, best of all, sweet nuts. You can even opt for a unique nut flavor in order to give your oatmeal a special touch.

6. Fruits

Fruits are awesome snacks because they provide a boost of energy, plus there are dozens of different options available in most supermarkets. 

7. Hummus and Bread

Olive oil and chickpeas are extremely nutritious, which makes hummus and bread a superb alternative for people that want a wholesome snack. That said, this delicious dish often requires a more relaxed setting, so it’s not perfect for people who live life on the go.

Looking to Get Sweet Nuts? Cupio Is Here to Help

Looking for the most delicious glazed nuts? Check out our shop and place your order today!

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